Saturday 19 April 2014

Happy Birthday Dad


White banyans, check lungis,
Sparkling white Dhoti, Kurtas
The morning newspaper
The second cup of tea at 11am
Marie biscuits, Crisp fries, Hot meals carefully served
Eye drops
Hawai slip ons…

Mom’s permission to take bath…Mom taking cue to keep lunch ready. Your orchestrated tuning (Developed our understanding of interdependence in relationships)

“Do tomorrow what you want to do today” (This biased philosophy only applied to any frills that we requested for, like shopping, dining and movies) (Developed our liberal values with our children…worked as an antidote)

“So what’ keep going (You had no concept of obstacle) (Developed our sense of optimism to dare)

“There is no door that can’t be opened” (Unabashed fearlessness that comes from living in truth) (Developed our self-belief & confidence)

Simple living and high thinking (Developed our ethical values)

School red marks and remarks are a part of school life and never to be feared.  (Developed our sense of acceptance and balance)

Read aloud and study altogether. (Developed our ten siblings concentration)

Unitary method of solving maths. (Developed (my) patience)

Unruffled under any situation (Developed our resilience)

Never giving us hand- me- down books or bags (Developed our sense of thrill and joy of acquiring)

Giving us excursions and vacation travels ((Developed our understanding that attitude is more important than affording)

Taking us all to the sport shop (Dhobi Talao) the day exams got over. (Developed our understanding that a family that plays together stays together) Just realized we are carrying forward this legacy with our passion for ‘Time Waste’ our moniker for a game of cards

Your unique understanding of business economics. (Expense doesn't exist when you are calculating profit…every rupee earned is profit and calls for celebration. (Celebration was a loaded market bag and ‘Mangsho Pullao’ (Sweet flavoured rice and a delicious lamb preparation)  (Developed our spirit of celebration)…

I miss your silent participation, your eyes that turned to slits and the rubbing of your hand on your crew cut hair at Sejda’s  (brother) jokes. The nagging for us to bathe on a Sunday and the ‘Very Good’ even if it was a shower at 10pm. The non stop ‘ghumao’ (go to sleep)  when mom and me would be awake late into the night, chatting. Your unconditional appreciation of anything that we cooked.  Your, trying to stop me from going for my morning walk, fearing someone would kidnap me, I suppose. With you no more, the fun of disobedience has gone, making me fat, smug and still unkidnapped.  

Wherever you are Baba, I am drinking my chai in a glass with Parle G biscuits, just like you treated all your colleagues on your Birthday. And today I went to the market and I looked up and asked you, just like you did to all of us on our birthdays ‘Ki khaiba’ (What do you wish to eat)- So it is your favourite , Pullao and Mangsho for me today because you taught us to celebrate birthdays.

19th April 2014

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