In the quietude of the day after the hyped frenzy of mother's day, I read the trillion mushy, eloquent, emotional declarations of love. It's alien to our Indian culture to articulate our love but somehow marketing has succeeded to change the urban mindset. Days are now earmarked to acknowledge our multitude relationships including that with our mothers.
This note is for every child who didn't wish. Excuses may be many, I hear some say "oh I love you everyday" read that too as an excuse. Though at the ripe age of 79 I still feel my mother left us too early, all because Mother's Day was not yet born then. How I long to have that opportunity of plucking one day out of the calendar to tell her it's only for her. Pampering her whim, writing a note, painting her or just taking her out shopping...the list is endless.
We all loved her to a fault, we may presume she understood but the joy of clearly dedicating a day in praise of her, would dispel all ambiguity and have me basking in joy. Come on, celebrate your mothers... rejoice, revel and profess your love in your own unique way and know that you are so fortunate to have got that opportunity. Like me, there are many who missed out, as our mothers left before Mother's Day came to exist for us.