Monday 10 February 2014

Mithu Basu speaks her mind - 'Plunging from a great job gave me the shivers' !

Mithu Basu,,

What exactly do you do?
Create global platforms to promote Indian art and artists

Why do you do what you do? Is it to make money, to become famous, to retire, to kill boredom, WHAT?
The overwhelming driver is passion and the intent to make art a viable career path for the many gifted yet unknown artists.

Is there anything unique in what you do? And here ‘unique' can mean anything - doing what’s been done for donkeys years and yet in a more cost efficient manner, or something new in a boring business or line or simply inventing something completely new?
We take art beyond conventional platforms and probe new applications for art and artists.

What happens if this fails?
The journey is my destination every moment offers a new experience a new learning. It’s a win win all the way with nothing to loose.

Any one or two incidents that make you shiver or feel proud of your journey so far?
The plunge from the comfort zone of a great job into the unknown territory of an idea and a dream did send shivers. Pride was when the concept became a reality and artists benefitted from the Dolna initiative. Nothing in the world can equal that fulfilment.

State one really bad habit and one good habit (if you actually have one)
You could term my tendency to blurt out ideas before its time as something that needs immediate correction.
I feel good that I have developed the habit of acknowledging and giving credit whenever it is due.
Famous last words to the readers ( if you knew you are going to be hit by a truck tomorrow, what would you like to tell the world (other than to be crossing the road safely)?
If you have a dream YOU CAN make it happen.

Finally, say YES below the next para:
I solemnly put my hand on my religious book/favorite novel and swear that what I have said above (including my photos) is the truth. So help me, Rodinhood 

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